I’ve been hard at work on the deck - finished installing sister beams on the substrate, replaced the worst of the rotten Ipe (if you haven’t heard of it Ipe is a very heavy, dense, expensive, hardwood used often for decks), ordered the gravel and have been carting that from the front of the house to the rear one wheelbarrow at a time. About halfway done with that. Played some really fun gigs: a string of five or so with Andrew Bergmann, Natalio Sued and Gustavo Nandayapa, most of which were in San Antonio. We did play one nice concert at Monk’s in Austin. The AC was broken at Fast Folks where the concerts used to be held and it was about 95°F but we had a loyal and respectful crowd - it was a good night. We also played at Carmens in SA and JazzTX and the sound at JazzTX was pretty rough. Even a small crowd of talkers can be louder than the band and the sound onstage is awful. But…fun to play with those guys.