September 20, 2018
Drove to Houston to play at Cezanne. Left the house 2pm. Arrived about 7:30, ran some tunes, played 9-midnight. I loaded my car and was headed back to Austin by about 12:30am. Along the way I used some hand gel to clean my hands and a bit later scratched my left eye. By now it’s about 2am (I left my house at 2pm) I’m tired as a mother fucker, both my eyes aren’t focusing for whatever reason, it’s raining lightly and kind of foggy, I’m doing about 85 mph through the countryside of central texas with the windows open to help stay awake. I must remember that hand sanitizer has a very astringent quality, like freaking acid, and when it’s on ones hand one should not rub ones left eye even with the back of ones fucking hand. “What’s going on with my eye here?” I ask myself. Panic attack? Some of that, yeah, but only because I seem to be going blind at 85 mph. I thought for a while that it was some sort of noxious gas that was in the air since there are a lot of refineries and chemical plants in most parts of the corridor between Austin and Houston but finally remembered the hand sanitizer. With the blurring of my right eye for whatever reason and the useless left eye things were pretty dicey there for a while but eventually I found a tissue and was able to attenuate the pain and discomfort of the left and continued to captain my pirate vehicle back to port (eyepatch, pirate, arrrr get it?). Real pirates don’t panic about a missing limb or eyeball. With much squinting made it home about 3am, had something to eat –mostly ice cream (the only thing I’d eaten all day were some M&M’s and a Torchy’s breakfast taco). After the sale of one CD and giving the bass player gas money I made $80 before my own gas money (about $40) and tolls for a 13 hour gig. The glamour of music never ceases to impress and amaze.